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Monday, April 12, 2010

The Center is Free But Not Represented

The Left and the Right of the have grown too partisan and too angry.
The Left has moved too far from the Center which has concerns about the deficit and the mortgaging of the future to pay for today. Lets not even get into the expanded role of government that has the Tea-party riled up all over the country.
The Right has grown angry and become the "Party of No", instead of offering up concrete solutions to America's problems they have decided to stonewall the Democrats in power. They have gone so far as to vote against principles & policies that they have offered up as ideas in the past.
Right now the center is not being represented.
Moderates are not welcome in the Republican party, the Tea Party has taken over the G.O.P. and the Democrats aren't much better. The G.O.P. loves to say that Obama is too liberal but he tries to reach out to the center, Pelosi and Reid on the other hand tend to lean hard to the left. That whole scene with Obama at the Blair House with Republicans airing their ideas would never have happened under George W. Bush.
I will give the Democrats one thing though, they do have a "big tent", something that the Republican party used to have under Ronald Reagan. The Democrats represent the ethnic make-up of America they have men and women from every race representing their districts. The G.O.P. is monochromatic with a few exceptions.
What we need now is a revolution.
Something to bring politics back towards the Center.
Not Right. Not Left.
But Center.